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Town of Exeter local government programming is aired on EXTV-G, Channel 22. This channel is where you can find most of Exeter’s boards, committees, and commissions; as well as features informational public service announcements from town agencies. If you would like to contact EXTV-G, please call (603) 481-6425.
Meetings air live on Channel 22. EXTV-G operates from the Exeter Town Offices at 10 Front St, Exeter NH. To view a calendar of meetings as they occur, visit
Deliberative sessions and public input sessions are also broadcast on EXTV-G. This channel is exclusive to Exeter Comcast subscribers only. Subscribers to other TV services cannot receive Channel 22. Not all town government committees are broadcast or streamed, and occasionally there are technical difficulties which may preclude the live broadcast of a meeting.
Live Cam - Downtown Exeter
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