First Annual Alewife Film Festival presented by Exeter TV
With the coming of the annual spring migration of Alewives, comes the 1st Annual Alewife Film Festivalpresented by Exeter TV on May 26 th at Phillips Exeter Academy.
To celebrate fish and film, we’re working with the Exeter River Advisory Committee, Exeter Conservation Commission, and Exeter-Squamscott River Local Advisory Committee to host an evening of environmental and conservation themed films. We will be showing a variety of international and local short films with a variety of topics so it’s sure to be a great evening.
Among the films will be the premiere of Robert Glowacky’s Exeter TV98 documentary looking at the Great Dam Removal and the future of the river. The film uses archive photos to explore the history of the dam and interviews with experts involved in the project to give an overview of what this change means for the town and for the river.
The films will be followed by a small panel discussion with experts from the Exeter Historical Society, NOAA, NH DES, and local government boards to offer the public an opportunity to ask questions about the removal project.
The event starts at 6pm and admission is free for all, we hope to see you there! More information and the list of films to follow. Stay tuned!